Friday, July 23, 2010

What in the World is Going On? by Dr. David Jeremiah

"What in the world is going on?" by Dr. David Jeremiah's is a book based on biblical prophecy and current events. The author appears to have taken several sermons and with in depth research and was able to link together the bibles prophecies and how they directly correlate to events we can relate to. The author covers topics related to Israel and the suffering of the Jews, world oil supply, Roman Empire, terrorism, the rapture and many more. The topics are wide and diverse but have one central theme, it can all be found in the bible.

Though I found the book interesting as a whole I struggle with yet another book trying major events to a specific line or paragraph in the bible. The bible has many good things to help direct us but realistically is not every major event, disaster or prophecy can have a factual direct link to the bible. I read the bible daily and get great direction and inspiration from it. I have a hard time believing I can read it and link major events to it. I have seen the same thing done with Nostradamus writings. With enough work and research you can make anything fit within the passages of the bible.

I received a free copy of this book from Thomas Nelson through in exchange for my honest review of the book.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

The Jesus You Can't Ignore by John MacArthur

The book “The Jesus You Can’t Ignore” by John MacArthur begins with "What you must learn from the bold confrontations of Christ". MacArthur goes in to great detail looking beyond how most people see Jesus Christ. The author looks into the more confrontational side of Jesus how he stood up to the Pharisees and other non-believers. How even Jesus was not always the timid and reserve man that many assume he is all the time. McArthur takes a few examples and drives each one into biblical based details to support his theories behind what Jesus needed to do to get his message across be it confrontational or not.

If the author’s goal was to direct his book to clergy, seminary students or individual who have invested years to study the bible then this is a must read. To the people who have knowledge behind the bible then this book will hit home and will be an excellent reference for later.

If the author’s goal was to direct his book to the general public interested in finding out more about Jesus then he missed the mark by a mile. I understood entirely what he was trying to get across but I had concerns about others. Most of the common church going people I know never made it past the prologue or introduction. Many were interested in what he had to say but were turned off by his ranting and ravings at the beginning. Which is unfortunate since the majority of the book provided great information.

I received a free copy of this book from Thomas Nelson through in exchange for my honest review of the book.