Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Beyond Talent

I have read many of Maxwell’s books. As I started to read the paperback "Beyond Talent" I quickly discovered it was the same book as the hardback "Talent is Never Enough", that I already read. I was disappointed that I had already read the book under a different title but the contents and the lessons within the covers of either title are important to read.

Maxwell enters in to a subject that most would not venture. How some people with tremendous talent start-off strong but in many cases fail quickly. Why does a person with as much or less talent continues with their success? Maxwell first addresses understanding and acknowledging your own beliefs. To be confident to proceed in your own talent but do not stop there. Continue to work on and enhance those talents. You may be lucky enough to succeed on your talent at first but longevity of your success relies on your ability to go beyond your talent and explore and push yourself further. Maxwell continues how to proceed with or without talents, some basic things we all need to look into further for our own definition of success: your passion, how to initiate activities, focus, being prepared, practice (failure is not always bad), perseverance, courage (to stand up for yourself and others), the willingness to learn and to teach, character, relationships and teamwork.

I received a free copy of this book from Thomas Nelson through in exchange for my honest review of the book.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Life Without Limits - Nick Vujicic

Some whine on and on about life that it is just not fair. Nick Vujicic you would think that he would fall into this pattern having no arms or legs but when you read his book, you will be inspired how a young man never accepted the excuse that he could not do something. No matter what the goal, task or challenge he kept trying. In some cases, it took him many times to accomplish what he wanted but the end goal was to keep a positive upbeat attitude and drive forward no matter what.

His book discusses what we perceive as limitations, accepting who we are, the importance of attitude and not accepting what others tell you cannot do. Nick do into details about the story of his physical disabilities and the emotions he endured to survive emotionally as a child, a teen and now as a young man. He shares how his faith was the foundation of how he pursues an active, fulfilling and faith based life. It was not necessary for him to have arms or legs to be a productive member of society. He had the gift of speaking. Through his inspirational book and personal speeches he is able to reach out developing trust with others, provide practical advice for a life of fulfillment, building stronger conne3ctions within our relationships and the understanding none of us are perfect but everyone has a gift you just need to look within to find out what yours is.