The author provides interesting facts that we are right
in the doctrine regarding the Bible but have a tendency to destroy the cause of
truth with our pride. The overall
message of the book is good and informative but extremely short and vague in areas.
I am a meat and potatoes person so when
I read a book I hope to get my fill of details and information. I found this book was only an appetizer. It is short and to the point but leaves many
questions and the need to searching for more information. Keep the format and message but place more
content and examples. There is also a
study guide in the back of book. That is
helpful but accounts for about twenty percent of the book. Interesting read to get you going on this
topic but plan on having other books available on the subject.
I received a free copy of this book from
Waterbrook Multnomah Publishing in exchange for my honest review of the book.