Friday, July 24, 2015

The Libarary at Mount Char by Scott Hawkins

The Library at Mount Char is different or unique would probably be an understatement. The story is based on a God like figure with human form who has adopted twelve children, each child is trained in a special skill for the God like figure they call Father.  He houses them in his library like prisoners. While the Library at Mount Char is a fantasy/science fiction book that I found it dark and foreboding. Humor is minimal yet rarely changes the mood of the story. 
In the beginning, Father is missing.  No one knows where he has disappeared. If he does not come back, someone new will need to lead them. Who will be next in line?  While the character personalities are interesting, I did not find them believable in the role of people who would be helping a God like figure.  From the first page of this book, I was skeptical about the plot and execution.  Unfortunately, this did not change throughout the book.  The average book this size takes me no time to read but I had a hard time staying interested in this one.  The bottom line is not everyone finds death, rape and abuse as entertaining reading.
I received a free copy of this book from WaterBrook Multnomah in exchange for my honest review of the book.