As I started to read this book I thought it presented an excellent
point of view of parenting with all kinds of children including ones with
special needs. The author goes through his
trial and tribulation regarding all three of his children, their encounters and
how different issues with each one. The
key behind the book exposes how many parents push, demand or threaten their
child what they are going to do and when.
For example, you will go to college and not just any college but
Harvard. The author provides several
research topics of what we as parents should not do but most importantly what
we should be doing and/or missing that will prevent a child from being well
rounded in a world that is hard to fit in.
I think all new parents should be required to read this book before
their child arrives so they have a more realistic idea how to raise a child
rather than repeating the same mistakes their parents and grandparents did. Allow children to make mistakes and fail. The learning experience is far more powerful
then resolving each conflict for them.
I received this book from Blogging for Books for this