Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Big Potential by Shawn Achor
Finally, a book to prove what some of us have known for decades but were not able to figure out.  That the one alpha employee, student or team member is not a benefit.  The book is based on proven research that working as a team, sharing information, and positive attitude and reinforcements are what drive a team to success not the one alpha person who thinks they are carrying us behind them.  The author explains how historically we leverage the survival of the fittest mentality.  We do this in how we raise our children, how schools are designed to reward certain students and even how colleges support the individual contributors.  Yet when you look at the statistics after all this is said and done the people who truly succeed are not the top of the class or the genius.  Keep in mind true success is a balance, with each person being different.  How many people have you met that were financially well off yet very depressed.  In many cases their world is about only them.  This book breaks down the barriers to understand people need to socialize, work together, not just to survive but to excel together.  I would highly recommend this book.

I received this book from Blogging for Books for this review.