Thursday, January 24, 2013

The Legend of the Monk and the Merchant by Terry Felber

Some people question their religious commitments and/or believes based on the fact they are not a member of the clergy.  This book covers both side of the equation through an easy to understand story about a relationship between a monk and a merchant.  They both started in the same way but in a critical point in their lives, they needed to make a choice, what they were better skilled.  For every church, there is a peoples, groups, merchants, etc. ready and willing to help and build, support and maintain a house of God.  The author does a good job in helping the reader understand everyone has a job and no matter which side you are on one side is just as important as the other is.  Since the majority of us are on the merchant side, the author has built in twelve key on how to live successfully.   The last part of the book is a study guide for groups or individuals.  The discussions are broken down into the twelve key for a successful life.  It is a quick ready but well worth the time for church study groups.
I received a free copy of this book from BookSneeze in exchange for my honest review of the book.

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