Monday, January 8, 2018

The Million-Dollar, One-Person Business by Elaine Pofeldt
This book contains many great stories and examples of success, the reader must take into consideration several things.  Funding of a business of any size can be a very difficult when you are just starting off.  The must concern what your tolerance for risk is.  Keeping mind new business failure rates are high.  What the books brings up many times is the key idea or the unique product that makes you stand out.  This is the most challenging topic the book talks about.  Being able to create a business you are passionate about yet there must be a demand for it otherwise it will not generate enough revenue to pay the bills.  One of the key points the book explains well is as you grow you need continue to learn and be a smarter business person.  This points to leverage consultants, sub-contractors or even shipping companies that can support an increase in volume without out you trying to do it all.  Diversification with a one-person business is critical to survival.  What I found the most useful part of the book was in a chapter called “Useful Resources”.  This chapter contained all the accounting, communication, community, co-working, customer relationships, marketing, funding, legal, shipping/delivery and website builder information you would needed to research and/or start a business.

I received this book from Blogging for Books for this review.

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