Wednesday, October 30, 2013

God of the Underdogs by Matt Keller

We have all felt like an underdog at some time in our lives.  The author takes the reader down a road of modern day examples and relates those with the stories in the Bible.   The book is in what the author calls the nine excuses (or chapters).  Each excuse or chapter is associated with a person from the bible.   Excuse 1 is from David about how he was not qualified.  Excuse 2 is from Paul about dealing with the past and getting over it.  Excuse 3 is from Jacob about a person reputation.   Excuse 4 is from John the Baptist about dreams, no matter how small or large.  Excuse 5 is from Jesus about a person’s potential and the lack of everyone to notice it.  Excuse 6 is from Mephibosheth about your relationships and if they are to the right people.  Excuse 7 is from Gideon about lack of resources.  Excuse 8 is from Esther about slim chances.  Excuse 9 is from Moses about insecurity. 
Anyone can benefit from reading this book.
I received a free copy of this book from BookSneeze in exchange for my honest review of the book.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

God in My Everything by Ken Shigematsu

The author discusses how spiritual development is not just solitude and contemplative reflections or prayers.  Our spiritual development happens every day.  For most of us that are caught up in the busying ourselves with work, family, and church it feels at times that God is just another thing on our list if things to-do.   The author explains how the spiritual practice of the 'rule of life' will bring people closer to a relationship with God. He demonstrates how personal rules of life will almost any life style.  You will discover a practical life-giving, sustainable rhythm in your busy life.  If you are looking for a deeper spiritual development this book is for you.
I received a free copy of this book from BookSneeze in exchange for my honest review of the book.

Living The Quaker Way by Philip Gulley

While most Christian religions each have their own ideas, we could learn something from the Quakers.  Most of us are caught up in the ever changing social media and striving to find the newest and best gadget to “simplify our lives”, or so we think.  We lose touch on what is important in our day-to-day lives.  This book covers five key topics: simplify peace, integrity, community and equality.  The one topic that stood out for me was “simplify”.  Society leans towards measuring our success based on what you own.  Some even determine success based on their job title.  We have confused the line between what we need and what we want.  This creates a false sense of accomplishment that many people find is short lived.  The book contains many practical principles that anyone can benefit from.   
I received a free copy of this book from Waterbrook Multnomah Publishing in exchange for my honest review of the book.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

The Mercy Prayer by Robert Gelinas

The author's writing is very easy to understand.  The author discusses the most commonly used prayer in the Bible, “Lord, have mercy”. The Mercy Prayer provides an insight that must be studies slowly and deliberately to fully understand everything the author is writing about.  This book is well worth the time and effort.  Do not be fooled in thinking this book is only taking about the Mercy prayer.  The key topic is the most commonly used prayer but there is a great deal more information provided about and around this prayer.  An example would be how mercy is the opposite of justice.  The author writes, “Justice is what we deserve in any given situation. Mercy, on the other hand, is not receiving what we deserve, or receiving less than what we have coming to us." Strive to be on the receiving side of Christ's mercy.  Do not demand justice but see what happens when mercy is given to others.
 I received a free copy of this book from BookSneeze in exchange for my honest review of the book.

This Beauiful Mess by Rick McKinley

It was a struggle getting through this book. Yet another author is a theologian giving his version of what the kingdom of God is along with what it means in relation to us. The author does not present anything new that hundreds of other books have not already provided on the same subject.  I lost interest when he provided too many stories trying to get a single point across.  I also understand he is very proud of the church he belongs to but the constant mentioning of it comes off like an info commercial.  If this is a new subject matter for you then the book does provide basic information but it is not a page-turner.  If you have read books about practicing the presence of the Kingdom of God then hold off on buying this book, it will be a redundant.      

I received a free copy of this book from Waterbrook Multnomah Publishing in exchange for my honest review of the book.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Runaway Emotions by Jeff Schreve

The book Runaway Emotions narrows the topics down to eight main emotions: embarrassment, loneliness, frustration, worry, anger, guilt, discontentment and depression.  As humans, we cannot avoid any of these emotions but the author provides a better understanding of why verses what is taught in the Bible.  The key issue is we all sin to some degree.  How we approach forgiveness to God and other others is the key to resolving many of these emotions.  Some will come and go, others we will struggle with and they will occur repeatedly.  The author goes into detail about how God is forgiving and the struggles we face asking for forgiveness.  The author provides examples from the Bible and other related stories.  To fully appreciate the book read a chapter, then take time to compare how you handle that emotion currently.  You might be surprised and realize you could be doing things differently.  This could help you physically, emotionally, spiritually and socially.  Will your problems all be resolved after reading this book or within a few days?  No but it does give you the foundation to approach these emotions from a better-prepared Christian point of view.  Making this type of correction in your life will take time, dedication and faith.  
I received a free copy of this book from BookSneeze in exchange for my honest review of the book.

Friday, June 28, 2013

Jesus, my Father, the CIA and Me by Ian Morgan Cron

I have read many memoirs of varying styles.  The author approaches this memoir in a different manner.  He brings you back to the time of his childhood to reveal how he perceived growing up with a father that was an alcoholic, how that molded him and how the entire family functioned.  He asked many question like a child would at this time but the answers escape him until much later in life.  He finds a lovely lady and gets married then raises his three children.  He then makes a very disturbing observation he has become his father.  The author has one thing his father did not, faith.  His faith may have been buried but in time, it did resurface stronger.    Overtime, he was able to remove the obstacles that had kept getting in his way.  Author sends a very strong message to all of us.  We all have issues and there is no reason we have to keep them bottled up inside of us.  His struggle with his own addition shows that the patterns can be broken no matter how bad you think things have gotten.  There is always hope if your faith is strong enough. 
I received a free copy of this book from Booksneeze in exchange for my honest review of the book.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Sherlock Holmes and the Needle's Eye by Len Bailey

If you enjoy Sherlock Holmes and have questions regarding the mysteries within the Bible then this book is for you.  The book brings you into the lives of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson.  They have received a message regarding ten mysteries in the Bible that an unknown individual wants them to solve.  Their adventure, through the help of a time machine, brings them back to witness each of the ten mysteries.  Dr. Watson strives to answer the mysteries based just on his knowledge of what he has read and his understand of the Bible.  While Sherlock Holmes attempts solving them just based on logic using the Bible as his reference point.  How the mysteries are relived help to bring about a better understanding what happened and why.  At the end of the book is a study guide that includes questions for each chapter.  The book is an interesting read and very useful tool when discussing topics around mysteries in the Bible within a church study group. 
I received a free copy of this book from Booksneeze in exchange for my honest review of the book.   

Clear Winter Nights by Trevin Wax

A short read with a powerful message.  Most of us have struggled with our faith at one time or another.  The author provide a realistic story of a young man who is about to make several critical choices in his life.  The main issue is his he doing the right thing, the more he doubts himself his faith becomes questionable.  He is asked to spend some time with his grandfather who is recovering from a stroke.  The young man takes this time to confide with the one person he can truly trust, his grandfather who also happens to be a retired pastor.  Before you read the book, keep in mind there is no true ending.  The reason it does this is the book is really a tool for a church study group.  The story’s conclusion is left where the reader must fill in how they think the story should end.  The ending allows the readers to explore all the possibilities.  At the end of the book is a study guide that includes questions for each chapter.  The book is a quick read but it is a very useful tool when discussing topics around Christianity.  The next church study class I conduct I will be using this book.     
I received a free copy of this book from Waterbrook Multnomah Publishing in exchange for my honest review of the book.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Humble Orthodoxy by Joshua Harris

The author provides interesting facts that we are right in the doctrine regarding the Bible but have a tendency to destroy the cause of truth with our pride.  The overall message of the book is good and informative but extremely short and vague in areas.  I am a meat and potatoes person so when I read a book I hope to get my fill of details and information.  I found this book was only an appetizer.  It is short and to the point but leaves many questions and the need to searching for more information.  Keep the format and message but place more content and examples.  There is also a study guide in the back of book.  That is helpful but accounts for about twenty percent of the book.  Interesting read to get you going on this topic but plan on having other books available on the subject.
I received a free copy of this book from Waterbrook Multnomah Publishing in exchange for my honest review of the book.      

Friday, May 3, 2013

When God Makes Lemonade by Don Jacobson

If you like the layout of the Chicken Soup for the Soul books but wanted something more inspirational and encouraging, you found it.  This book is composed of many short stories by different authors, each that have some form of positive and up lifting message to share.  The design of the book is done in such a way were you can read a few stories lay the book down and pick it up again without having to worry about if you remember the plot or the characters.  Most of the short stories are told from the point of view from the person it happened to.  You get to relive that story through understand their struggles, see the challenges they encounter and how they overcame the innumerable obstacles.  In this book you will find many stories that you can relate too and yet others you cannot fathom how they could do it.  This book is perfect for the person who does not want to invest a lot of time reading but is looking for something quick and full of encouragement. 
I received a free copy of this book from BookSneeze in exchange for my honest review of the book.


Saturday, March 30, 2013

One Perfect Life by John MacArthur

One Perfect Life is a complete story of the Lord Jesus Christ.  I have read many books that have claimed the same thing but this one was different.  The author pulls together key stories and teaching throughout Jesus’ life.  The information is gather into a single topic that provides a full understand of what is being told.  Not all of the topics are easy to understand that is where the author provides footnotes for each section of the Bible on that topic.  At first, this was a little over whelming but you find as you keep going the amount of good information drives you to want to read more.  If you are looking for one book to understand Jesus then you need to read this composite of the New Testament.  Passages from the Old Testament are also incorporated into the stories from Genesis to Revelations. 
If you have been looking for a better way to understand the Gospels, a verse-by-verse explanation, key passages connected to Jesus and trusted Bible translations go no further you have found it.
I received a free copy of this book from BookSneeze in exchange for my honest review of the book.

Fortress of Mist By Sigmond Brouwer

I’m always concerned when I read a book that is part of a series without having read the previous books. With the Fortress of Mist, the story does provide enough background that reading the first book is not necessary. The book provides a good stand-alone story regarding a King that grew up as an orphan. Like most kingdoms or nation, there is always turmoil. In this book, we find there is a secret society that is trying to force the king to side with them. The king has a secret weapon that only a few know that he has. He owns a library of books that cover many subjects including war. These books have helped in two cases to win two wars and yet not lose a single life. While this is a standalone story, I think you will also find yourself looking for the first book and the books to follow. The plot is quick, easy to read and brings a different viewpoint to the fantasies stories we have all read.

I received a free copy of this book from Waterbrook Multnomah Publishing in exchange for my honest review of the book.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

The Story of the Voice by David B Capes with Chris Seay and James F. Couch Jr.

The Story of ‘The Voice’ is the background how a group of people strived for a new translation of the Bible, the results was ‘The Voice’.  Historically, the bible has been translated into many different versions for many different purposes.  The goal for ‘The Voice’ was the ability to reach out to the younger generation.  The group’s goal is to re-engage younger people in the teaching, meaning and understanding the Bible. 
The book goes through some of the key people who contributed to the book.  Background is also given how the title was decided, philosophy behind the new translation, contextual equivalence in practice and other background information showing the complexity behind doing a new version of the Bible.
Not being familiar with ‘The Voice’ I visited the website.  The website offers a free download of the New Testament.  You can review just how different this translation is from the NIV and NLT versions.  I can see were ‘The Voice’ would be very attractive to a younger generation of readers.  If the current Bible in your church has not captured the younger generation in your church I would suggest trying ‘The Voice’, it delivers the same Biblical messages but simply in a different manner. 
I received a free copy of this book from BookSneeze in exchange for my honest review of the book.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Unglued Devotional by Lysa Terkeurest

This daily devotional to the book Unglued, by the same author, provides structure to help readers handle every day struggles. This includes a daily opening Scripture, Thought for the Day, devotion, and closing prayer.  The book provides the readers with a 60-day journey in learning to handle emotions like disappointment, being afraid and feeling guilty.  Unglued Devotional is easy to read and short enough to keep most readers attention.  The author shares many personal stories about her, her friends and others she knows.  Through their struggles in every day life, for example lost luggage and rude clerks, and declined credit cards, when life does not go as planned, jealousy and more.  Each day provides a Scripture verse, the thought of the day, a devotion and /or story you can relate to and a closing prayer.  The devotionals are short, around two pages. Each day captures short quick thoughts about the Lord, especially for when you become unglued.
I received a free copy of this book from BookSneeze in exchange for my honest review of the book.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Quiet The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking Susan Cain

Always wanted to understand why the outspoken person got the recognition, the promotion or the acknowledgement from others even though you did a better job.  This book is designed to help the introverts understand and manage around extroverts.  The author has taken into account years of research, studies and test cases where they introduced introverts, in all ages, into certain situations to see how they react and why.  With the background and studies, which the author has provided she indicates our society focuses and rewards the extroverts.  She also provided examples of great introverts and how they have changed the world.  They did not have brain storming session or group meetings but in many cases, they went off alone to work in quiet.  If you struggle as an introvert then this is necessary read.  Not only will you understand why you are an introvert and how to function better but also you will have a better understand the extroverts around you.        
I received a free copy of this book from Waterbrook Multnomah Publishing in exchange for my honest review of the book.

The Legend of the Monk and the Merchant by Terry Felber

Some people question their religious commitments and/or believes based on the fact they are not a member of the clergy.  This book covers both side of the equation through an easy to understand story about a relationship between a monk and a merchant.  They both started in the same way but in a critical point in their lives, they needed to make a choice, what they were better skilled.  For every church, there is a peoples, groups, merchants, etc. ready and willing to help and build, support and maintain a house of God.  The author does a good job in helping the reader understand everyone has a job and no matter which side you are on one side is just as important as the other is.  Since the majority of us are on the merchant side, the author has built in twelve key on how to live successfully.   The last part of the book is a study guide for groups or individuals.  The discussions are broken down into the twelve key for a successful life.  It is a quick ready but well worth the time for church study groups.
I received a free copy of this book from BookSneeze in exchange for my honest review of the book.