Sunday, March 4, 2018

The Prayer Wheel by Patton Dodd, Jana Risess and David VanBiema

Sometimes the best solutions are not ones derived by technology advancement or an invention.  Some of the best solutions are the simple ones that have already been tried.  In this book the author takes you back to Middle Ages using one of the tools they use to pray with, the pray wheel.  The best description of what the book is about is captured in the beginning of the book in a section called A New Promise for Prayer.  This is how it starts.  What is Prayer – This running conversation with God – and why do we crave it so?  Why do out hearts for communion with something we cannot see, and only sometimes feels?  These key questions that start the book are investigated deeper to help you drive towards your prayer needs.  The book teaches you how to use the prayer wheel not just for a few days but for a full seven weeks with prayers already developed to help you reach another level of prayer.  The book moves on to prayers for everyday life, praying the scriptures then provides details on how each part of the prayer wheel represents and its purpose.  If you are looking for a book to help you with prayers or if you want to try something different in the method of prayers try this book.

I received this book from Blogging for Books for this review.