Thursday, May 23, 2013

Humble Orthodoxy by Joshua Harris

The author provides interesting facts that we are right in the doctrine regarding the Bible but have a tendency to destroy the cause of truth with our pride.  The overall message of the book is good and informative but extremely short and vague in areas.  I am a meat and potatoes person so when I read a book I hope to get my fill of details and information.  I found this book was only an appetizer.  It is short and to the point but leaves many questions and the need to searching for more information.  Keep the format and message but place more content and examples.  There is also a study guide in the back of book.  That is helpful but accounts for about twenty percent of the book.  Interesting read to get you going on this topic but plan on having other books available on the subject.
I received a free copy of this book from Waterbrook Multnomah Publishing in exchange for my honest review of the book.      

Friday, May 3, 2013

When God Makes Lemonade by Don Jacobson

If you like the layout of the Chicken Soup for the Soul books but wanted something more inspirational and encouraging, you found it.  This book is composed of many short stories by different authors, each that have some form of positive and up lifting message to share.  The design of the book is done in such a way were you can read a few stories lay the book down and pick it up again without having to worry about if you remember the plot or the characters.  Most of the short stories are told from the point of view from the person it happened to.  You get to relive that story through understand their struggles, see the challenges they encounter and how they overcame the innumerable obstacles.  In this book you will find many stories that you can relate too and yet others you cannot fathom how they could do it.  This book is perfect for the person who does not want to invest a lot of time reading but is looking for something quick and full of encouragement. 
I received a free copy of this book from BookSneeze in exchange for my honest review of the book.