Wednesday, June 1, 2011

The Seraph Seal by Leonard Sweet & Lori Wagner

Apocalyptic tale that is realistic and frightening.

The year is 2048 technology has continued to advance and religion has become obsolete. The world has started on a change in many ways because of major natural and human designed disasters. A collision course is under way when all the modern details as we see them slowly turn into Revelation's as it is referenced in the Bible.

Many doomsday stories have been published but “The Seraph Seal” was written in such a way that people today could relate to and visualize the possibilities. Sweet and Wagner have taken each potential and possible realistic detail into place and spun the time ahead by 37 year to foresee how we may end up. Historical data is used along with current events and events based on how we live and act today that could unfold.

Truthfully, this is not a book topic I search out to read but I was surprises and intrigued enough that I was not able to put the book down. The characters were will developed and how the authors handled the multiple locations around the world and events along with how they tied into each other was masterful. A book that will make many people think hard about not only their future but also the world’s future, as we know it.

I received a free copy of this book from Multnomah in exchange for my honest review of the book.

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