Wednesday, March 7, 2012

The Founders' Key by Larry P. Arnn

The Founders’ Key by Larry P. Arnn is totally dedicated to explaining the divine and natural connection between the declaration and the constitution and what we risk by losing it. While the author is a president of a college and I have no doubt he is an expert in this field. The book is rather repetitive and rather hard to follow his thought patterns. While the subject matter did peak my interest, it was quickly lost in the written presentation.

This historical portion of the book is very interesting but that was quickly lost in long drawn out explanations that were most likely missed the mark with the majority of his readers. If this is your field of study in school, the book might keep your interested longer than it did me. I did finish the book but I found that I could only read a few pages maybe a chapter a night.
I believe the subject matter could be very interesting and would even raise a few eyebrows. The author’s style of writing made it a struggle to understand and comprehend. What
the message he was really trying to deliver is unclear.

I received a free copy of this book from BookSneeze in exchange for my honest review of the book.

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